How to Make Your Penis Bigger Without Using Pills and Pumps Click here for more:http://book723.com/enlarge-your-penis/ Over 90% of men would like to increase the size of their penis. So this is a huge market for people to take advantage of and that is why there are so many male enhancement pills, supplements and devices, that are suppose to make your manhood bigger and stronger. But do you really need all those expensive male enhancement products? No you don't! I will tell you, how to make your penis bigger without using pills or pumps. How to Make Your Penis Bigger The truth is that you don't need any expensive equipment at all. The only things you need are your own two hands, some lubrication, and a hot towel to warm up. There are very effective penis enlargement exercises, that require only 20-30 minutes of your time in a day. And they are not boring and don't take a long time, which makes them perfect for everyone. One of the most effective and simplest routines, that affects the thickness of your penis, involves stretching the whole length of your manhood with pressure. To start this routine you first of all, have to lubricate your semi-erect penis. The next step is gripping the base of the penis shaft with your thumb and index finger of one hand. After that you apply some pressure to the organ and slowly move your grip down towards the tip of your penis and releasing your grip just before reaching the head. This routines allows more blood to go to your penis and all the little spaces within it. The more blood your penis can store, the bigger it gets, especially the thickness. There are many many other such exercises, that are just as easy and effective. All of these complement each other and make penis bigger. There are other reasons why penile exercises are a superior method. With other methods such as using pumps and stretching devices, there is a much greater risk of side-effects and injury. It does not take much to cause some injury to your penis. Some of the common side-effects with surgery and pumps and other tools are blisters, curved erection, impotence, penis disfigurement, scarring, bleeding etc. For many guys the desire to achieve a larger penis is so strong, that they lose all common sense and opt for less effective and more dangerous methods. The best way to make your penis bigger without pills or pumps is penile exercising - period!
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