Does Coconut Oil Work to Get a Bigger Penis? Coconut oil can be used for a lot of different things because it's thought to help with a lot of different health problems and conditions. There have even been rumors that it can help make the penis bigger. But there is no direct proof or evidence to show that this is true when it comes to penis enlargement. In terms of penile health, enhancement, and enlargement, coconut oil can be used as a lubricant during jelqing, it can be consumed as part of your diet, which can increase your metabolism and as a result increases blood flow around the body - which will increase erection strength and help resolve the likes of erectile dysfunction - and at the more extreme end of the scale, it can be used as a lubricant during jelqing. Coconut oil has many health benefits, both for your overall health and for your penile health and enhancement. While coconut oil may help your penile health in small ways, it won't make your peniles bigger if you use it by itself.
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