How To Grow Your Dick Bigger Click here for more:https://penis-enlargement-men.weebly.com/ Jelqing is how you enlarge your penis naturally. Jelqing is without doubt the most famous of all the penis enlargement exercises. It's name may derive from milking, as this is the type of action required to perform this exercise. Interestingly the word jelqing is also used in Persian slang - it means masturbation! However, this exercise that was first practiced by the ancient Arab rulers, is far more than mere masturbation! In order to enlarge your penis naturally you need to force copious amounts of blood through the penile tissues. The extra pressure built up by this increased blood flow will make these tissues expand well beyond their normal limits. Your testosterone filled blood will also start to produce additional protein. Eventually, if you continue to jelq you will stimulate tissue growth and make your penis bigger. So how exactly do you jelq? 1) The 2 most important things before you start jelqing - warm up and then lubrication. You should warm up your manhood to increase the blood flow in your penile area. Simply run a towel under a warm tap and then massage your penis for approximately 5 minutes. Apply lubrication to your penis. You can use baby oil, vaseline or my personal favourite vaseline intensive care. 2) Ensure your penis is approximately 50%-75% erect. Then touch your thumb and forefinger together on your right hand to form an "OK" sign. You should then grasp your penis as close to pubic bone as possible. To make this less painful, you should consider cutting or shaving your pubic hairs. You don't need me to tell how painful it is to yank your pubic hairs out! 3) Stroke your OK sign down the shaft of your penis and stop just before the head. Immediately repeat with your left hand. The ultimate goal is to be performing 500 jelqs per exercise session. WARNING - do not try an attempt 500 jelqs in one session for a few weeks. Remember if you have never exercised before, your penis will be underdeveloped and weak. If you try to do too much, you risk injury. Start out with 100 jelqs in your first week and add 100 more each week until you reach 500. The only time i would consider jelqing or any penis enlargement exercises dangerous is if you decide to be heavy handed or impatient, this will not make your penis bigger. You should ensure that you have enough rest periods between exercise sessions and above all always follow expert advice. Jelqing is the safest way to enlarge your penis naturally, but only if you treat it with respect! https://youtu.be/HRtBQqF__bM
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