Full video Link : https://youtu.be/PWJAB3cYQEk Only Boys can watch this video How to Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) _ Your testicles start to get bigger Your testicles, also known as your balls (or nuts), are what makes things like sperm and testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that does a whole bunch of different things, but is also one of the main things that cause puberty. As your testicles start making more sperm and testosterone, they start growing in size. _You start having “wet dreams” A wet dream happens when your body releases sperm out of your penis, which is also known as ejaculation. When you hit puberty, you can start having accidental ejaculations while you’re sleeping. _You start growing pubic hair. Look for hair starting to grow around the bottom of your penis. One of the biggest signs of hitting puberty is thick, curly hair known as pubic hair. _Your voice starts cracking and gets deeper Puberty changes your vocal cords and the sound of your voice. That’s because puberty causes your vocal cords to get longer and thicker, which makes your voice deeper. Top signs you have hit Puberty 🎯 _You start getting pimples. All of the new hormones in your body can cause your skin to produce more oil, which can clog up your pores and lead to acne Subscribe To our Channel to watch more videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbnNyqJkKRcRv3yjxurocDQ?sub_confirmation=1 #shorts #puberty #PubertySigns #pubertyhits #VideoForBoysOnly #Pubertystages #pubertychallenge #pubertyfunction #pubertychallenge #pubertyhits Medical disclaimer: Make medicine easy channel does not provide medical advice. we do not provide a diagnosis or other recommendation for treatment and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosis and treatment of any person or animal. The determination of the need for medical services and the types of healthcare to be provided to a patient are decisions that should be made only by a physician or other licensed health care provider. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition.
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