Kelly Clarkson diet is following the Dr. Steve Gundry's Plant Paradox Diet. In this show the diet regimen, why she started following this plan, and is the diet effective are all addressed in this Afterparty segment of Das Cafe Good Living. Timeline: 0:00 - 1:32 Foods to avoid Kelly Clarkson diet 1:33 - 2:21 How did she start this diet? 2:22 - 2:45 What is a leaky gut? 2:46 - 3:18 Her lifestyle 3:19 - 7:27 Is this diet effective? Connect with me: Das@DasCafegoodliving Website: www.dascafe.org Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deedas300 #kellyclarksondiet #plantparadoxdiet #lectinfreediet
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