Press Releases


To Celebrate The 49th Anniversary of ECOWAS, the ECOWAS Representation in Benin Organised The 2nd Edition of The “Geniuses In The Making” Game

06 Jun, 2024

As part of the week commemorating the 49th anniversary of ECOWAS, the ECOWAS Representation in Benin held the finals and small finals of the second edition of a competition for ‘Geniuses in the Making’ in the Idriss Deby ITNO Auditorium of the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) on Wednesday 29 May 2024.

The aim of organising this competition is to bring ECOWAS closer to its peoples, with particular emphasis on adolescents, who are the future of the Community. More specifically, it aims to popularise ECOWAS activities among the population, in this case young people, and to strengthen their knowledge of the history, structure, functioning and aspirations of the Organisation.

The four (04) secondary schools that were selected in the Atlantic and Littoral departments during the qualifying rounds took part in this stage of the competition. These were: Pahou and Saint Rita secondary schools, who competed in the final of the competition, and Saint Bakita school complex and Saint Augustine Secondary School, who competed in the small final.

The event took place under the chairmanship of the Minister of Secondary and Technical Education and Vocational Training, represented by his Director of Cabinet, Mr Garba AYOUBA, and was marked by words of welcome from the Rector of the University of Abomey-Calavi, represented by Professor Hygin KAKAI, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law at the UAC, by speeches from the Departmental Directors of Secondary Education for the Atlantic and Littoral regions, and by the ECOWAS Resident Representative in Benin, H. E. Ambassador Amadou DIONGUE. E.M. Ambassador Amadou DIONGUE.

In his opening remarks, the Minister’s Representative warmly thanked ECOWAS for the initiative of the Competition of Geniuses in the Making, which is of undeniable educational interest. Congratulating the team from Saint Rita’s College on their victory in the 2nd edition of the competition, he encouraged all the participating teams and wished the ECOWAS Geniuses in the Making competition every success.

At the end of the small final and final matches, a prize-giving ceremony brought the competition to a close.

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