Press Releases


Swearing-in ceremony of the members of the Council of the ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA)

29 Sep, 2024

October 2, 2024, Banjul, capital of the Republic of the Gambia, will host the Swearing-in ceremony of the members of the council of the ECOWAS regional competition authority (ERCA).


The members of the Council will be sworn in during a solemn ceremony presided over by the Vice-President of the Community Court of Justice, the Honorable Judge Gbéri-Bè OUATTARA, in the presence of the President of the ECOWAS Commission, H.E. Omar Alieu TOURAY, members of the Gambian government, Ambassadors of ECOWAS member States in The Gambia, Mrs. Massandjé TOURE-LITSE, ECOWAS Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture, Dr. Siméon KOFFI, Executive Director of ERCA and many other guests from government agencies, private sector, civil Society and international organizations in the Gambia.


ERCA is the competent Authority to represent the region in matters of competition and consumer protection. Its activities were officially launched in June 2019 in Gambia, the country hosting its Headquarters with a structure consisting of an executive body and the Council, the decision-making body of the Authority. It is responsible for reviewing and taking appropriate decisions on the investigations carried out by the Executive Director relating to alleged breach of the Community competition rules. The members of the Council, appointed for a four (4) year term, will also have the role to consider request for orders, mergers and acquisitions, sanctions and compensation submitted by the Executive Director.


It is note-worthy to recall that in 2007, ECOWAS adopted a Regional Competition Policy Framework (RCPF), which defines the objective and basic principles of competition law and its many benefits for the community market, the regional integration process and consumers welfare.


Following the RCPF, the ECOWAS Conference of Heads of State and Government promulgated three key legal texts in 2008, establishing the framework for regional competition regulation. The first is Supplementary Act A/SA.1/12/08 adopting the Community Competition Rules and the modalities for their application within ECOWAS. The second is Supplementary Act A/SA.2/12/08 on the creation, functions and operation of the ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA). The third is the Supplementary Act A/SA.3/12/21 amending the Supplementary Act A/SA.2/12/21 to make provision, among others, for the establishment of the ERCA Council.


The adoption of the Competition Rules and the creation of the ERCA are essential steps towards achieving market efficiency, economic growth and integration in West Africa, which are fundamental objectives of ECOWAS.

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