Press Releases


Regional Training Workshop on Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) for Legal and Judicial Actors of ECOWAS Member States

28 Jun, 2024

The ECOWAS Gender Development Centre (EGDC) organized a Regional Training Workshop on Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) for legal and judicial actors from ECOWAS Member States, in Lome, Togo, from June 24 to 28, 2024. The workshop was organized in collaboration with the Ford Foundation and USAID.

The workshop was officially opened by Mr. Stanislas BILEBA, Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Action, Women Affairs and Literacy of the Togolese Republic. The Director of the ECOWAS National Office (ENO) of Togo, who was represented by Mrs. Sotongbé Adjoavi Eleonore, Legal Office of the ENO, delivered the welcome address. The introductory remarks were delivered by Mr. Awudu Ahmed Gumah, Principal Officer, Planning, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation of the ECOWAS Gender Development Centre (EGDC), on behalf of the Director of EGDC, Mrs Sandra OULATÉ FATTOH.

The General Secretary of the Ministry of Social Action, Women Affairs and Literacy, in his opening remarks, welcomed the participants to Togo and wished them a pleasant stay in Lome. He also noted that “a lot of efforts have been made by the Government of Togo in the fight against GBV, with the support of partners. But we recognize that many challenges still remain to end the phenomenon. To achieve this, it is necessary, among other things, to increase awareness among the population to break the silence around gender-based violence, especially that committed within the family circle and in the neighbourhood; to produce the data to create evidence; and to educate youth, women and men through behaviour change initiatives and community programs. I urge everyone to ensure active participation and fruitful exchanges.”

In his introductory remarks, Mr. GUMAH noted that, “Domestic violence, early marriage, female genital mutilation and sexual harassment are all atrocities that destroy lives and entire communities. Behind the upward curve of GBV recorded every year around the world, there are unspeakable human tragedies, and this workshop will not be just another training. It is a unique opportunity to strengthen your skills, exchange knowledge and experiences, and forge links with your peers from all over the ECOWAS region.”

This important five-day workshop brings together investigating judges, magistrates, prosecutors, and chief registrars of ECOWAS member states. Its objectives are to enable the various actors to understand the theme of gender-based violence and sexual harassment, particularly the causes, the different forms, the aggravating factors, the effects, the consequences, and the various legal and institutional frameworks as well as the procedures to prevent and respond to gender-based violence.

Member States