Press Releases


Implementation of the ECOWAS Strategic Framework on Child Protection Systems Strengthening and Presentation of the Updated Database and Status Report on Child Protection in the ECOWAS Region

14 Jun, 2024

The ECOWAS Directorate of Humanitarian and Social Affairs held an Online consultation with Member States Directors Responsible for Child Protection on the Implementation of the ECOWAS Strategic Framework on Child Protection Systems Strengthening from 5th -7th June 2024. The meeting was convened to assess the levels of implementation of the ECOWAS Child Protection Strategic Framework by Member States; to determine emerging child protection trends in the ECOWAS region and integrate responses to these issues in policies and plans; to build capacities of Member States Directors in Child Protection Systems Strengthening strategies.


In the welcoming Address by the Director Humanitarian and Social Affairs, Dr. Sintiki T. Ugbe, represented by Mr. Olatunde Olayemi; Program Officer Social Dimension of Trafficking in Persons, he extended to all participants the warm greetings of the Commissioner for Human Development and Social Affairs and through her of His Excellency, Dr. Omar Alieu TOURAY, President of the ECOWAS Commission. He thanked all Member States Directors present at the meeting and the Regional Working Group on Child Protection (GRPE) for their participation in the meeting and their commitment. He pointed out that Child Protection has been at the Centre of the priorities of ECOWAS Commission and its Member States, as demonstrated as early as 2009 by the adoption of the first ECOWAS Policy on Children (2009-2013) which was revised with a Strategic Plan 2019-2030 as well as relevant documents developed to ensure the welfare of children in the Region. He mentioned substantial progress recorded in the establishment of the ECOWAS Child Rights Information System – ECRIMS as a monitoring mechanism.


Madam Adelise Baha from the S.O.S Children’s village on behalf of the Regional Working Group on Child Protection (GRPE) thanked the ECOWAS Commission for initiating the meeting and inviting the GRPE to be part of meeting.


In the Opening Address by the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs of Nigeria, represented by Mr ALI Madugu, Director Child Development, he  thanked the ECOWAS Commission for the important initiative to bring together all Member States on the subject of Child Protection and recognised all the efforts of the ECOWAS Commission with regards to the welfare of children in the region asking that all stakeholders strengthen collaboration in achieving desirable outcomes for children.


The meeting featured presentations on the protection and human security focus areas of ECOWAS; the Strategic Framework for Strengthening National Child Protection Systems to Prevent and Respond to Violence, Abuse and Exploitation of Children in West Africa; the Guidelines for the implementation of the Strategic Framework; ECOWAS Child Rights Data Information Management System (ECRIMS); the draft 2023 Report on Child Protection in West Africa.


Members States presented their reports on the implementation of the Strategic Framework focused on the five priorities (violence against children, child marriage, child labour, birth registration and children on the move) with good practices shared and challenges identified. Also the draft 2023 Report on Child Protection in West Africa was presented by ECOWAS and key next steps were agreed upon.


In her closing remarks, the Director Humanitarian and Social Affairs, Dr Sintiki Tarfa UGBE thanked all the participants for their commitment and assured them that their contributions would be reflected in the 2023 Report on Child Protection in West Africa and in further strategic plans and programs. Mr ALI Madugu on behalf of the the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs of Nigeria, addressed his thanks to the ECOWAS Commission and the Permanent Mission in Nigeria to ECOWAS for their commitment and support in ensuring the welfare of vulnerable persons, including children.


The National Directors responsible for Child Protection in Benin, Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Sénégal, Sierra Leone and Togo; and Member Organizations of the Regional Working Group on Child Protection, INGOs such as the SOS Children’s Village International, International Social Service, MAEJT( Mouvement Africain des Enfants et Jeunes Travailleurs , in french), Terre des Hommes, organizations including United Nations Agencies as UNHCR amongst other attended the meeting.

Member States