Press Releases


ECOWAS Convenes meeting of the sub-committee of the ECOWAS Judicial Council on enforcement of the judgements of the Community Court of Justice

29 Apr, 2024

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Judicial Council has convened a three-day sub-committee of the ECOWAS Judicial Council on enforcement of the judgements of the Community Court of Justice from April 23rd to 25th, 2024,in Dakar, Sénégal, to examine the rules and texts relating to the enforcement of the Court’s judgments and to further assess the possibility of establishing an Appeals Chamber of the Court.


In her opening remarks, the President of the Chamber of the Supreme Court of Senegal, Hon. Justice Jean Louis Paul Toupane, warmly welcomed members of the subcommittee to its first meeting in Dakar, Senegal. He observed that the meeting is meant to reflect on improving mechanisms aimed at creating a dynamic and functional Community Court of Justice. The Hon. Justice highlighted that the Court of Justice is an essential pillar of our community’s institutional system. It ensures respect for the law and the principles of equity in the interpretation and application of the Treaty, as well as the protocols and conventions annexed to it.


The subcommittee focused on identifying ways to remove barriers that hinder the enforcement of Court judgments. In addition, the members looked at the importance of the rule on exhausting local remedies and the lack of avenues for reviewing Court judgments. With the Court’s expanded mandate into human rights issues, it has generated a significant amount of legal precedent on diverse human rights topics.


The two subcommittees have been tasked with presenting their conclusions to the Judicial Council, which will then forward recommendations to the Heads of State and Government via the Council of Ministers.

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