Press Releases


Consultations Between ECOWAS and Germany to Strengthen and Boost Their Areas of Cooperation

23 May, 2024

The Vice-President of the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has lauded the excellent cooperation between the West African regional organisation and Germany.

Presiding over discussions on political cooperation and development between the ECOWAS Commission and Germany on Wednesday 22 May 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria, Mrs Damtien Larbli Tchintchibidja called for a further strengthening of the bilateral partnership in areas of cooperation in the coming years.

These discussions will enable the representatives of both parties to review the progress made since November 2023, with particular emphasis on the prospects for cooperation between ECOWAS and Germany, the economic and political situation in West Africa, peace-building, conflict and pandemic prevention, health, good governance, social protection, climate change, renewable energies and energy efficiency.

According to the Vice-President of the ECOWAS Commission, the current collaboration between the two parties is a clear example of what can be achieved when institutions and partners support each other in areas of common interest.

” As far as ECOWAS is concerned, we know that we can do much more. And we will continue to work with a close and reliable partner, like the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, to achieve our programme of regional integration, the common market and the creation of a safe, secure and prosperous ECOWAS region”, stated Mrs Damtien Larbli Tchintchibidja.

She recalled the commitment made by both parties at their last consultation, held in September 2023 in Berlin, Germany, to work towards an equal partnership based on respect and reciprocity, as well as the deepening of their cooperation through concrete projects aimed at sustainable and inclusive development.

She thanked the German authorities for their commitment to allocate an additional 80,750,000 Euros to ECOWAS for bilateral technical and financial cooperation for the period 2023-2024, bringing the total volume of technical and financial cooperation since cooperation between ECOWAS and Germany began in 1985 to around 494.41 million Euros.

” This demonstrates the seriousness of the German government’s commitment to supporting the implementation of the ECOWAS integration programme. We are very grateful for the previous and new support and provisions”, emphasised Mrs Damtien Larbli Tchintchibidja.

The Head of the West Africa II Division at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and leader of the German delegation, Dr Silivia Morgenroth, reaffirmed the determination of the Federal Republic of Germany to continue to do everything possible to strengthen its cooperation with ECOWAS.

According to Dr Silivia Morgenroth, who was accompanied by Germany’s Ambassador to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Mrs Annett Günther, her country’s cooperation with ECOWAS is guided by the latter’s main mandate, which is to strengthen regional economic integration and stability within the Community.

“ECOWAS Vision 2050 represents important reform strategies in line with Germany’s development policy priorities”, said Dr Silivia Morgen-Roth.

It should be noted that presentations were made at the plenary session by heads of division and directors of the ECOWAS Commission. These focused on their activities in the areas covered by cooperation between ECOWAS and Germany.

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