Featured News

Featured News

Regional Training Workshop on Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) for Legal and Judicial Actors of ECOWAS Member States

The ECOWAS Gender Development Centre (EGDC) organized a Regional Training Workshop on Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) for.

28 Jun, 2024

Featured News

Training of Women Leaders on Education for the Culture of Peace by ECOWAS

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) holds a pivotal training for Women Leaders from the 27th – 29th.

28 Jun, 2024

Featured News

ECOWAS Commission organises a workshop to validate its Standard Operating Procedures for Grants

The ECOWAS Commission is organising a four-day validation workshop on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for grants management from June 25.

28 Jun, 2024

Featured News

ECOWAS Commission Lagos Liaison Office Head Visits Seme–Krake and Hilacondji Joint Border Posts

The Head of the ECOWAS Commission Lagos Liaison Office, Mr. O. Okunola, conducted official visits to the Seme—Krake Joint Border.

27 Jun, 2024

Featured News

ECOWAS Concludes 28th Technical Meeting on Early Warning and Conflict Prevention with Strengthened Regional Collaboration

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) successfully concluded its 28th Technical Meeting on Early Warning Systems today in.

27 Jun, 2024

Featured News

ECOWAS Launches a Regional Hub for Fertilizer and Soil Health for West Africa and the Sahel

Though Africa can be the food basket of the world, inefficient use of fertilizers and poor management of soil health,.

27 Jun, 2024

Featured News

Participation of Ecowas in the Second Edition of the Schuman Forum on Security and Defence

At the invitation of Mr Josep BORELL FONTELLES, High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission.

27 Jun, 2024

Featured News

The Technical Expert Committee of the Integrated water resources management meets in Abuja

Members of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), comprising water resources experts from Member States and West African basin organizations, are.

27 Jun, 2024

Featured News

ECOWAS Conducts Advocacy on the Deployment of The ECOWAS National Biometric Identity Card in Liberia and Sierra Leone

Pursuant to the decision of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government in 2014 to adopt the ECOWAS.

26 Jun, 2024

Featured News

Second Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives of ECOWAS Member States as an Advisory Organ to the ECOWAS Council of Ministers

The ECOWAS Commission hosted on Wednesday 26 June 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria, the second meeting of the Committee of Permanent.

26 Jun, 2024

Featured News

The International Committee Paves the Way for the Organisation of the Second Edition of Fari-2025 In Benin

Benin’s Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Eleonore Yayi Ladekan, has expressed her satisfaction that the 2nd edition.

26 Jun, 2024

Featured News

ECOWAS to hold 35th Session of the Administration and Finance Committee (AFC)

The ECOWAS Commission will host the 35th Meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee (AFC) from Friday, June 28th to.

26 Jun, 2024

Featured News

Exchanges Between ECOWAS and The European Union to Deepen Their Strategic Partnership

The working visit by a delegation of European Union ambassadors to the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) Commission.

26 Jun, 2024

Featured News

The ECOWAS Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations and the ECOWAS Group at the United Nations Organize a Series of High-Level Events to Commemorate the 49th Anniversary of ECOWAS

The first in the series of events organized by the ECOWAS Permanent Observer Mission and the ECOWAS Group at the.

25 Jun, 2024

Featured News

ECOWAS Launches “Pilot Project on Alternative to Incarceration in West Africa for Persons with Substance Use Disorders” in Accra, Ghana

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) launched its Pilot Project on Alternative to Incarceration (ATI) in West Africa.

24 Jun, 2024

Featured News

ECOWAS Organizes Regional Workshop on Energy Efficiency Initiatives and Sustainable Energy Data Collection in Cotonou

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) is pleased to announce a landmark 5-day regional workshop on.

24 Jun, 2024

Featured News

The International Planning Committee for the Second Edition of the FARI-2025 to Meet Soon in Cotonou

The meeting of the International Committee preparing the second edition of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Forum.

23 Jun, 2024

Featured News

ECOWAS Receives the Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC)

The Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace, and Security, Ambassador Dr. Abdel-Fatau Musah, welcomed the Chairman of the Economic and Financial.

23 Jun, 2024

Featured News

ECOWAS deploys a Regional Animal Health Information System (RAHIS) to improve animal health surveillance and management in West Africa.

The ECOWAS Regional Animal Health Center (RAHC) successfully deployed the Regional Animal Health Information System (RAHIS) in Assinie, Côte d’Ivoire..

23 Jun, 2024

Featured News

Press Statement Following the Joint Assessment Mission of ECOWAS-AU-UN in Sierra Leone

The Joint Assessment Mission of the International Moral Guarantors of the Agreement for National Unity comprising the ECOWAS, AU and.

23 Jun, 2024

Member States