Press Releases


ECOWAS to Host a Technical Validation Workshop for Draft Reports for Shipping and Maritime Transport Services Between Cabo Verde and Dakar, To Connect the Dakar-Abidjan-Lagos Transport Corridor in Cabo Verde

30 Jul, 2024

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is organizing a significant workshop in Praia, Cabo Verde, from August 6-9, 2024 on the establishment of a short-sea shipping line from Praia to Dakar and the rest of West Africa. The workshop will primarily focus on validating draft reports on the financial, socio-economic analysis and appropriate management model for the Praia-Dakar maritime transport services. This initiative is an important step towards improving regional connectivity and economic integration across West Africa.

The shipping link from Praia to Dakar once operational is expected to serve as a very important connection on the Praia-Dakar-Abidjan-Lagos Corridor, which currently moves over 80% of trade and economic exchanges in the region and has the potential to boost the economic development of the ECOWAS Region.

This engagement is expected to be attended by Member State experts in maritime transport and corridor development, Development Partners including the African Development Bank, financier of the studies and Afrexim Bank, as well as the Port Management Association of West and Central Africa, ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development, UEMOA Bank for Development and private sector investors. Participants will aim at ensuring that the recommendations in the reports are financially viable, feasible, and aligned with the region’s strategic goals. The Praia-Dakar-Abidjan Transport Corridor Project is designed to improve transportation infrastructure across West Africa, facilitating better connectivity between member states. This improvement is expected to boost trade, economic growth, and regional integration.

The workshop will feature presentations and comprehensive discussions on project designs, investment options, management models and operational recommendations. Interactive sessions will provide opportunities for stakeholders to give input and feedback, ensuring that the final outputs could be used to mobilize the needed investment financing to establish and operate the shipping services. Future steps, including timelines and key deliverables for the project’s implementation, will also be outlined.

Expected outcomes of the workshop include the finalization of the Phase 2 Draft Report, setting the stage for tendering of the shipping link, with the financial structuring, and implementation strategies. Quotes from ECOWAS and AfDB representatives emphasize the importance of

stakeholder engagement and support for the project, highlighting its potential to drive economic growth and integration in West Africa.

The Praia-Dakar-Abidjan Corridor Transport Project represents a major initiative aimed at enhancing regional connectivity and economic integration. The outcomes of the workshop will play a vital role in providing a cheaper physical connection to boost economic exchanges (trade, tourism, etc.) between Cabo Verde and the rest of the ECOWAS Region.

Member States