Press Releases


The President of the ECOWAS Commission Presents the General Report on the State of Implementation of the 2024 Work Programme to the ECOWAS Parliament

16 Jul, 2024

On 11 July, H.E. Dr Omar Alieu TOURAY, President of the ECOWAS Commission, presented the general report on the state of implementation of the Community’s 2024 work programme to the ECOWAS Parliament in Abuja, Nigeria. President TOURAY did this after the opening of the debates by the President of the Parliament, H.E. Mrs Memouna-tou IBRAHIMA, in accordance with the article 32 of the Additional Act relating to the reinforcement of the prerogatives of the ECOWAS Parliament, which stipulates that: “At each ordinary session of the ECOWAS Parliament, the President of the Commission shall present a general report on the state of implementation of the Community’s work programme”.

The presentation of this report goes beyond regulatory compliance, aiming to exchange and share recent regional developments with Community parliamentarians. The report highlighted the activities of Community institutions within the global, continental, and regional socio-economic, political, and security context, directly and indirectly impacting the Community. It also emphasized the performance of key strategic objectives concerning regional peace, security, governance, regional economic integration, inclusive and sustainable development, and the activities of the Parliament and the Community Court of Justice.

The presentation of the report provides parliamentarians, as representatives of the people, with the opportunity to monitor and oversee the implementation of Community programmes. The session was attended by representatives from all ECOWAS Member States, the ECOWAS Commission, and partners.

In his presentation, President TOURAY also highlighted significant progress in key areas, including the harmonization of education programmes, the development of youth and sports activities, the advancement of energy and transport infrastructure, and initiatives supporting the environment and regional agricultural policy. He concluded by stating, “These initiatives promote economic growth, social stability, and regional cooperation in West Africa.”

The First Ordinary Session of the Sixth Legislature 2024, which commenced on July 1, will enable Community representatives to address various regional issues, including strengthening institutional capacities, promoting regional trade, and improving infrastructure, to ensure sustainable development and integration within the ECOWAS region.

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