Press Releases


Meeting Of Ministers of Defence and Ministers of Finance for the Activation of a Regional Force to Fight Acts of Terrorism and Un-constitutional Change of Power

30 Jun, 2024

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) convened an extraordinary meeting of Ministers of Defence and Ministers of Finance on 27 June 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria based on the directives of the Authority of Heads of States and Government. The purpose of the meeting was to explore funding options to activate a regional force to combat terrorism and restore constitutional order.

H.E. Omar Alieu Touray, President of the ECOWAS Commission, in his welcome remarks he emphasized the urgency of mobilizing internal resources to support the regional counter-terrorism force, following directives from the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government. He highlighted the worsening security situation in the region, particularly in the Sahel, and the need for collective efforts to combat terrorism. President Touray called for a phased approach starting with a 1,500-man brigade and the establishment of an ECOWAS Force Command Post.

The Committee of Chiefs of Staff presented their conclusions from the March 2023 meeting in Bissau, recommending a 5,000-man brigade to be deployed in stages. They emphasized coordination of operational initiatives and urgent mobilization of capabilities. The participants adopted the report with amendments, forming a small team to refine the proposal within one month and expediting resource mobilization.

Minister of Defence of Nigeria and Chair of the meeting, H.E. Muhammad Badaru Musa, in his keynote address, stressed the importance of unity and cooperation in addressing regional security challenges. He stated, “Our task today is to mobilize the necessary resources to fund our Regional Action Plan against terrorism”. Let us work together with determination and unity of purpose to achieve our shared goal for a safer and more secure ECOWAS region.” The meeting marked a significant step towards enhancing regional stability and resilience.

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