Press Releases


The ECOWAS Resident Representative in Benin received in audience Mrs Aminatou SAR, Res-ident Coordinator of the United Nations System (UNS) in Benin.

13 Jun, 2024

Ambassador Amadou DIONGUE, ECOWAS Resident Representative in Benin, received in audience, Her Excellency Mrs. Aminatou SAR, newly accredited Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in the Republic of Benin, on Tuesday 11 June 2024,

The meeting was an opportunity for the new head of the UN system to pay her respects to her host and, hold diplomatic discussions on best practices on how to make the mission run successfully

It was also an opportunity for the two personalities to exchange views on issues of common interest to the West African sub-region, and to analyse all possibilities for collaboration between the two institutions in Benin.

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