Press Releases


African Ministers of Defense Conference Held in Addis-Ababa

18 Oct, 2024

The ECOWAS President represented by HE Ambassador Abdel- Fatau Musah (PhD), Commis-sioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security at the Panel discussion on ‘’Contemporary Security Challenges in Africa” at the African Defense Ministers’ Conference held on 15 Octo-ber 2024 at Adwa Memorial Museum in Addis-Ababa.

Organized and hosted by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the conference was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh. The main objective of the confer-ence is to discuss actionable solutions to contemporary security threats, how to enhance co-operation among African Defense Forces and reassess Africa’s position in the evolving global order.

Addressing the audience, HE Ambassador Abdel- Fatau Musah (PhD) highlighted the areas that defined the security environment in West Africa, some of the opportunities and the challenges that triggered the current situation in the region such as erosion of democratic values and un-constitutional change of government, terrorism, youth bulge, illegal fishing, continuous de-pendence on raw materials exports and other.

Touching on the regional character and impacts of terrorism, He urged the AES countries to join forces with ongoing regional effort including the activation of the ECOWAS Counter terror-ism force and the Accra initiative.

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