Press Releases


Launch of Project to Protect the Health of Young People, Especially Girls

23 Sep, 2024

Praia, September 20, 2024 – The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), through its specialized institution, the West African Health Organization (WAHO), in partnership with the Cabo Verdean Association for the Protection of the Family (VERDEFAM), launched today the “Project for the Protection of the Health of Young People, Especially Girls” in the city of Praia. The event took place at the Domingos Ramos High School in Praia, with the attendance of young people to gain a better understanding of the initiative.

This project, which will be implemented on the island of Santiago in the municipalities of Praia, Santa Catarina and Tarrafal, aims to improve the health of young people, with a special focus on girls, by promoting access to sexual and reproductive health services, such as family planning, pregnancy tests, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and specialized medical consultations in the areas of gynecology and obstetrics.

At the launch ceremony, Mr. Francis Sempore, Acting Resident Representative of the President of the ECOWAS Commission, praised the role of the West African Health Organization (WAHO) in raising the health standards of the people of the sub-region, pointing to this initiative to protect the health of young people as just one of many interventions.

The National Health Director, Dr. Ângela Gomes, pointed to the benefits of the project, highlighting ECOWAS’ strong partnership and contribution in recent years to strengthening initiatives aimed at addressing the issue of health. The Director also addressed the youth about the importance of well-informed and planned decisions within the scope of the project.

With a duration of 4 months, the project aims to provide young people with quality services and information, enabling them to make informed decisions and adopt responsible attitudes and behaviors, in order to complement the efforts of the competent authorities in this area.

This initiative is part of ECOWAS’s ongoing efforts to improve public health in the region and strengthen the health of young people, promoting their well-being and protection, as well as VERDEFAM’s efforts to promote the rights of the Cabo Verdean family, with a view to enhancing and defending them, especially with regard to sexual and reproductive health.

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